
Overview of Sitakundu

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Location Type: Archaeological Place

The famous Chandranath Temple & Buddhist temples are in Sitakundu, 37 km for from Chittagong city. Famous among the many temples in this place, the Chandranath Temple and the Buddhist Temple has a footprint of Lord Buddha. These places particularly the hilltops are regarded as very sacred by the Buddhists and the Hindus. Siva-chaturdashi festival is held every year in February when thousands of pilgrims assemble for the celebrations, which last about ten days. There is a salt-water spring 5 km. to the north of Sitakunda, known as Labanakhya.You can enjoy the steer ridings to go to Chandranath’s temple by walking. It is situated on the top of the hill from where you can enjoy the beauty of the sea & also the hill areas. Now in sitakunda there’s made an eco park.

Resource for Sitakundu: Tour Guide | Hotel / Motel | Restaurant | Transport

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